Static Paper nominated for Gouden Z
The Gouden Z is an initiative launched by the industry organisation KVGO (Royal Dutch Association of Printing and Allied Industries) in which a professional jury judges some 100 entries, divided up into 5 categories.
The Gouden Z is an initiative launched by the industry organisation KVGO (Royal Dutch Association of Printing and Allied Industries) in which a professional jury judges some 100 entries, divided up into 5 categories. Three companies are nominated for each category. During the Gouden Z gala evening to be held by the KVGO on 9 December in Nijkerk, the three nominees in each category will be introduced, and the winner of the Gouden Z Award will be announced. Although Static Paper was among the three nominees in the Innovation category, the Award went to Repro van der Kamp with the application it developed, ‘digital silkscreen’.
In honour of this special evening, we designed a set of Static Paper postcards printed with texts which made clever references to the ‘sticking’ possibilities Static Paper offers. The cards were used during the gala evening, giving the guests the opportunity to ‘illegally’ post them everywhere, and the reactions were absolutely positive. Although we ultimately just missed winning the Award, the evening was a huge success with overwhelming positive reactions to our new product, Static Paper.